Prayer & Fasting Can Change Your Life!
God has more for your life, and setting aside a season of prayer and fasting is a great way to start believing Him for all that He wants to do. As you practice seeking Him first, He will move on your behalf like never before. You will start to see the power of prayer impacting your relationships, work, family, and every area of your life.
Pray big prayers.
We believe that prayer is both powerful and transformative.
In other words, prayer is not just us talking to ourselves; prayer is an effective way to change our circumstances and even impact the world around us!
That’s easy to say, but prayer can be a bit intimidating, especially at first.
Ultimately, what’s important to keep in mind is this:
Prayer connects us to God.
Click below to watch a short video from Pastor Daniel on how to pray more effectively.
How to Fast
The goal of fasting is to draw near to God. Biblical fasting removes distractions for a spiritual purpose; it hits the reset button of our soul and renews us from the inside out.
It enables us to celebrate God's goodness and prepare our hearts for the good things He desires to give us. Your fast should be challenging, but you must also know your body, seek God in prayer, and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
Partial Fast
This fast is sometimes called the Jewish Fast and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.
Selective Fast
This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, or bread from your diet and consume water and juice, and fruits and vegetables for food.
Soul Fast
This fast is common for those who do not have much experience fasting food, who have health issues that prevent them from fasting food, or who wish to refocus certain areas of their life that are out of balance.
For instance, someone might select to abstain from using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then choose to carefully bring that element back into their life in an orderly fashion at the end of the fast.
Complete Fast
This fast calls for drinking only liquids, typically water with light juices as an option.